Source code for rfgb.logic

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Copyright © 2017-2019 rfgb Contributors
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program (at the base of this repository). If not,
# see <>


from __future__ import print_function

from copy import deepcopy
from random import sample
import itertools
import re

from .utils import Utils

# Thanks to Chris Meyers for some of this code:

[docs]class Term(object): """ Class for term in prolog proof. """ # Expect "x(y,z...)" def __init__(self, s): if s[-1] != ")": raise (Exception("Term should end with ')': %s" % [s])) flds = s.split("(") if len(flds) != 2: raise (Exception("Term should be composed of two fields: %s" % [s])) self.args = flds[1][:-1].replace(" ", "").split(",") self.pred = flds[0]
[docs]class Rule(object): """ Class for logic rules in prolog proof. """ # Expect "term:-term;term;..." def __init__(self, s): flds = s.split(":-") self.head = Term(flds[0]) self.goals = [] if len(flds) == 2: flds = re.sub("\),", ");", flds[1]).split(";") for fld in flds: self.goals.append(Term(fld))
[docs]class Goal(object): """class for each goal in rule during prolog search""" def __init__(self, rule, parent=None, env={}): goalId = Prover.goalId goalId += 1 = goalId self.rule = rule self.parent = parent self.env = deepcopy(env) # Start search with 1st subgoal self.inx = 0
[docs]class Prover(object): """class for prolog style proof of query""" rules = [] goalId = 100 trace = 0
[docs] @staticmethod def unify(srcTerm, srcEnv, destTerm, destEnv): """ Unification method. """ nargs = len(srcTerm.args) if nargs != len(destTerm.args): return 0 if srcTerm.pred != destTerm.pred: return 0 for i in range(nargs): srcArg = srcTerm.args[i] destArg = destTerm.args[i] if srcArg <= "Z": srcVal = srcEnv.get(srcArg) else: srcVal = srcArg if srcVal: # Constant or defined Variable in source if destArg <= "Z": # Variable in destination destVal = destEnv.get(destArg) if not destVal: # Unify destEnv[destArg] = srcVal elif destVal != srcVal: # Won't unify return 0 elif destArg != srcVal: # Won't unify return 0 return 1
[docs] @staticmethod def search(term): """ Method to perform prolog style query search. """ goalId = Prover.goalId trace = Prover.trace rules = Prover.rules unify = Prover.unify goalId = 0 returnValue = False if trace: print("search", term) # Anything- just get a rule object. goal = Goal(Rule("got(goal):-x(y)")) # Target is the single goal goal.rule.goals = [term] if trace: print("stack", goal) # Begin the search. stack = [goal] while stack: # Next goal to consider: c = stack.pop() if trace: print(" pop", c) # Is this one finished? if c.inx >= len(c.rule.goals): # Yes. Our original goal? if c.parent is None: if c.env: # Yes. tell user we print(c.env) else: # have a solution returnValue = True continue # Otherwise, resume parent goal. parent = deepcopy(c.parent) unify(c.rule.head, c.env, parent.rule.goals[parent.inx], parent.env) # Advance to next goal in body. parent.inx = parent.inx + 1 if trace: print("stack", parent) # Let it wait its turn. stack.append(parent) continue # No. more to do with this goal. # What we want to solve: term = c.rule.goals[c.inx] for rule in rules: # Walk down the rule database. if rule.head.pred != term.pred: continue if len(rule.head.args) != len(term.args): continue # A possible subgoal. child = Goal(rule, c) ans = unify(term, c.env, rule.head, child.env) if ans: # if unifies, stack it up if trace: print("stack", child) stack.append(child) return returnValue
[docs] @staticmethod def prove(data, example, clause): """ Proves if example satisfies clause given the data. Returns True if it satisfies, else return False. Prover.rules: contains all of the rules. Prover.trace: If this is 1, displays the proof tree. Prover.goalID: stores the goal ID. """ Prover.rules = [] Prover.trace = 0 Prover.goalId = 100 Prover.rules += [Rule(fact) for fact in data.getFacts()] Prover.rules += [Rule(clause)] # Proves query prolog-style: proofOutcome = return proofOutcome
[docs]class Logic(object): """ Class for logic operations. """
[docs] @staticmethod def constantsPresentInLiteral(literalTypeSpecification): """ Returns true if constants present in type specification. """ # Check if there is a single non-variable. for item in literalTypeSpecification: if item[0] == "[": return True return False
[docs] @staticmethod def getVariables(literal): """ Returns variables in the literal. """ # Get variables and constants in body literal. variablesAndConstants = literal[:-1].split("(")[1].split(",") # Get only the variables. variables = [] for item in variablesAndConstants: if item in Utils.UniqueVariableCollection: variables.append(item) return variables
[docs] @staticmethod def generateTests(literalName, literalTypeSpecification, clause): """ Generates tests for literal according to modes and types. """ target = clause.split(":-")[0] body = clause.split(":-")[1] targetVariables = target[:-1].split("(")[1].split(",") # Initialize a list of body variables. bodyVariables = [] if body: # Get clause body literals bodyLiterals = [literal for literal in body.split(";") if literal] for literal in bodyLiterals: bodyVariables += Logic.getVariables(literal) clauseVariables = set(targetVariables + bodyVariables) lengthOfSpecification = len(literalTypeSpecification) testSpecification = [] for i in range(lengthOfSpecification): # Check if data type is variable or constant. variable = False if literalTypeSpecification[i][0] != "[": variable = True # If the data type is variable. if variable: # Get mode (+ or -) mode = literalTypeSpecification[i][0] # Get the variable type. variableType = literalTypeSpecification[i][1:] # Variable must be an already existing variable in the clause # of the same type if it exists. if mode == "+": # Get all clause variables of same type: variableOfSameTypeInClause = [] for var in clauseVariables: if[var] == variableType: variableOfSameTypeInClause.append(var) if variableOfSameTypeInClause: # If variables of same type exist in clause testSpecification.append(variableOfSameTypeInClause) else: newVar = None while True: newVar = sample(Utils.UniqueVariableCollection, 1) if newVar[0] not in clauseVariables: break testSpecification.append([newVar[0]]) # Use new variable. if mode == "-": newVar = None while True: newVar = sample(Utils.UniqueVariableCollection, 1) if newVar[0] not in clauseVariables: break testSpecification.append([newVar[0]]) # If data type is constant: else: listToAppend = literalTypeSpecification[i][1:-1].split(";") testSpecification.append(listToAppend) testVariablesAndConstants = Utils.cartesianProduct(testSpecification) literalCandidates = [] # Form predicates and return all the test candidates for this literal for item in testVariablesAndConstants: literalCandidate = literalName + "(" + ",".join(item) + ")" literalCandidates.append(literalCandidate) return literalCandidates